Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Los Angeles. Šiais metais Katy Perry (35) ir Orlando Bloom (43) neskambės vestuvių varpai.

Aktuali situacija dėl koronaviruso pandemijos paprasčiausiai teikia daug netikrumo dainininkei ir jos sužadėtiniui. „Mirror“ Perry paaiškino: „2020-iesiems nebegalima nieko planuoti, kadangi visi planai pastoviai atšaukiami. Mes tiesiog norime susilaukti sveiko vaiko. Visi viską turi kas savaitę vis iš naujo planuoti“.

Tiesą sakant, šią vasarą pora norėjo susituokti Japonijoje.

Beje, naujo Katy Perry albumo išleidimo data taip pat atidėta. O Orlando Bloom gedi savo šunelio.

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I don’t recall a time in my life where I’ve been so broken wide open. The rawness I have felt over these past few days and sleepless nights at the idea of my little man being lost and scared, with me unable to do anything to protect him, is a waking nightmare. ⁣ ⁣ I feel powerless… maybe like so many others who are losing loved ones or unable to see our loved ones because of the times.⁣ ⁣ Cherish the moments we share with the ones we love because nothing is promised. Trust it and don’t be afraid of love or the fear of losing love. Love is eternal. The bond between Mighty and I shows devotion in ways I have not truly understood until now. I am a devoted father & partner, still, there is a reason why they call them ‘man’s best friend’. I miss him. Send out a prayer for my little strong and Mighty boy to find his way back to his family. ?❤️⁣

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