Granger & River Kelly Smith

Granger & River Kelly Smith

Nashville. Birželio 7 d. Granger Smith (39) sūnus River Kelly (†3) paskendo namo baseine. Tačiau viena mirtis išgelbėjo dvi gyvybes – vaiko paaukoti organai padėjo dviems žmonėms.

River Kelly tėvai paaukojo vaiko organus transplantacijoms, „suteikti kitiems vaikams antrą šansą gyventi“.

Mama Amber Smith (37) išplatino emocionalų video, kuriame sako, jog „mažas raudonplaukis herojus“ išgelbėjo kitus žmones. „Instagram“ ji taip pat teigia, kad paskutines valandas ligoninėje praleido su mažuoju River. Tuomet buvo paimti jo organai.

„Mes jiems pasakėme, kad River patiko greitai važiuoti, todėl jie jo lovytę specialiai greitai išstūmė į koridorių. Greičiau, nei bet kurio kito paciento. Granger ir aš apsikabinome ir verkėme“, – pasakoja Amber Smith.

Granger Smith ir jo žmona Amber turi dar du vaikus – Lincoln (5) ir London (7).

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We have had such overwhelming help since we lost River. People have been at our house non stop, checking on us, bringing us food, talking with us, praying with us, but for the first time in a month, I was alone for a couple days this past weekend. Granger was on tour and the kids were with family. I decided I needed to just be alone. I needed to just feel all of the emotions. I allowed myself to let out everything I was feeling. I cried. Guttural, animal cries for our son. I’m pretty sure I cried inside and outside every place there was on our property. I so needed it. I talked to God, I talked to River, I read books on Hope and Joy and Grief and Love. I watched movies about Heaven. Cried some more. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but the way Granger and I see it, we can run away from God at this time or we can run to Him. He’s been with us every step of the way, from the first responders and neighbors the night of the accident, to the doctors and nurses hands, to the friends and family by our side, to everything that fell into place so seamlessly for River’s service, to the rainbow He gave us after. He’s been there. So why would we turn on Him now? This life isn’t meant to be perfect. We will face trials and tribulations, loss and heartache, but it’s how we respond to everything thrown at us that matters. Will we retreat and hide from it or will we learn grow from it? I know what I’m choosing. I’m making a conscious choice each and every day to grow from all of this. Does it suck, hell yes. Do I understand? Hell no. Will I have setbacks? Yes. But do I Trust? Yes. I’m committed to loving people and raising kind humans and spreading our love for God, even in the shitty, unfair times. For anyone going through a life changing event in their lives, you are stronger than you think. You can get up. You can fight and find joy, not happiness, happiness is circumstantial. I won’t be “happy” for a while, maybe ever, but I can still have joy in my heart. Joy for my family, my life, and God. And you can too. ❤️

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