Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland

Los Angeles. 30 metų Kelly Rowland (39) nematė savo biologinio tėvo. Dabar ji pasidalino susitikimo nuotraukomis „Instagram“.

Rowland susitikimas įvyko dar 2018 m. Apie pirmąjį susitikimą po ilgo laiko dainininkė rašo: „Tai buvo labai svarbus momentas mano gyvenime! Aš jo nemačiau 30 metų, nekalbėjau su juo… Ką tai man reiškia? Mano šeimai? Mano psichikai?“.

2018 m. spalį Rowland surado savo tėvą per šou „American Soul“ filmavimą. Prieš susitikimą ji buvo labai neužtikrinta. Toliau Kelly rašo: „Aš jums sakau, kad buvau suakmenėjusi. Surengiau susitikimą ir staiga mano kojos atrodė taip, lyg sverstų toną. Nereikia nė sakyti, kad mane užklupo baimė ir ištiko tikras panikos priepuolis. Tą akimirką jaučiausi kaip palikta aštuonmetė“.

Tačiau per patį susitikimą Kelly Rowland jautėsi daug geriau: „Tiesa ta, kad aš jį mylėjau. (…) Nuo tada aš jam atleidau ir nuo to laiko kasdien kalbamės“.

Beje, Kelly Rowland balandį išleido naują singlą „Coffee“. Nuo 2013 m. ji neišleido jokio naujo albumo.

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This was the day I met Christopher Lovett, My biological father. This was honestly one of the most pivotal moments in my life! After 30years of not seeing him, not speaking to him…what would THAT mean, for me, my family, my psyche? Well, this day in Oct. of 2018, I would find out. I finally found him, set up the meeting, and at this time I was filming “American Soul”, when I tell you I was petrified, I was walking to meet him, and my feet suddenly felt like they weighed A TON, needles to say I was overcome with anxiety, and I had a full on anxiety attack, in that moment I felt like the abandoned 8yr old. My team calmed me down. And as I turn the corner, in my head I was cursing this man, “Why didn’t you come find me?” “Did you love me?” “Am I worthy?” And when I looked at him, and he looked at me, NOTHING CAME TO MY LIPS, not one word. I felt the Holy Spirit say to me,listen. I listened to him, I was nervous to trust him, nervous to forgive him,nervous to love him nervous about it all. And the truth is, I already loved him. I spoke to my protective husband and those closest to me and they encourage me to forgive and jump! And since this time, I have forgiven, and we have spoken everyday since! I have come to know SO much about myself, my family history, and even where my love of music & voice have come from! I Love you Daddy, and love being your little girl…even at 39! Lol P.S. we are making up for lost time, and when I tell you, him telling me how smart and beautiful I am….will never get old! #HAPPYFATHERSDAY #reunited

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